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2023 Management Trainee & Fifth the special team Symposium



In order to better promote the integration of the team of Management Trainee and the special team, create a good working atmosphere, create an efficient exchange platform, and build a team with a low cost of trust. Recently,  Kingsignal held a seminar on the 2023 Management Trainee & Fifth Special Team Symposium.

Yu Xin, general manager of the group, Wu Jingping, deputy general manager, Li Bo, general manager of the system product operation department, and Yin Yujian, deputy general manager of the operation center, attended. A total of more than 40 people from the 2023 Management Trainee and the fifth special combat player participated in the scene and online.

1team interaction

After two months of headquarters training, production line internships, and rotation practical combat, 2023 Management Trainee has successfully integrated into the company's culture and officially entered the working state. At the same time, the fifth special team also selected and excellent through assessment and defense excellence, gradually growing in the stage of project learning, team cooperation, industry insights.

At the beginning of the meeting, the two teams shared their recent work. Management Trainee puts forward the confusion and problems of the first entry into the workplace for his own seeing and hearing and his understanding and work experience in the company. The special combat players actively shared their experiences and experiences with their own experience and experience through their true feelings and growth experiences in Kingsignal.

2. exchange fusion

Later, when he entered the exchange session, the on -site executives randomly extracted the anonymous questions of Management Trainee and special combat players before the meeting, and started to answer them one by one.

"It is recommended to optimize the company's process to improve work efficiency"

"Company talent development and future training plan"

"Unified management mechanism of product specifications and projects"

"How to balance work and life reasonably?"

"How to improve the work bottleneck?"


Regarding the doubts and questions raised by everyone, all executives actively and fully answered on -site answers, and asked relevant departments to record and feedback. The open channels for raising problems and solving problems, so that more people can join the company's development thinking to come to the development of the company's development.


01 Deputy General Manager of Operation Center Yin Yujian

Management Trainee and Special Teams, as an important talent training plan for Kingsignal, have also attracted the attention and guidance of the company's leadership while the strong traction team members grew. It is recommended that you can learn more and ask more in the future, seek work support at multiple angles, continuously improve your professional skills inside and outside the industry, broaden your career development space, and achieve "courage to responsibility and self -drive" in your work.

02 General Manager of System Product Management Li Bo

The body is the capital of the revolution. In the face of the faster and faster rhythm, everyone must exercise the body while struggling with the revolution, and find the way that suits them. Under the premise of physical health, you must formulate your three to five years of career development plans in time, strengthen your goals, maintain effort, conscious self -discipline, continuously strengthen professional skills, create personal brands and reputation, and obtain colleagues, leadership and organization recognition.

03 Group Deputy General Manager Wu Jingping

Kingsignal is a very tolerant platform. I hope everyone can do bravery here and bravely bear more responsibility. Kingsignal is also a very open platform. I hope everyone can boldly put forward suggestions for the development of the company, promote the progress of organization, and optimize work efficiency. The company and leaders are very happy to receive everyone's feedback and will actively work hard to improve the company's operating efficiency and improve the company's operating results within the scope of proposal. No matter what problems and difficulties you encounter in your work, you can find the company's leadership and communication as soon as possible. The company encourages and is willing to discuss and share experience with young people to overcome difficulties and solve problems.

04 Yu Xin, general manager of 04 Group

As the new forces and mainstays of Kingsignal's development, the company continuously cultivates talents, empower talents, and identify talents through the management of the Management Trainee and Special Team. First of all, we must set up a pairing mechanism of special team & Management Trainee to help Management Trainee integrate into the company while promoting the rapid growth of special combat players. Secondly, we must give full play to the role of the executives, establish a one -on -one learning link of executives & Management Trainee, and senior executives & special teams, and the executives personally serve as the instructor to formulate a learning plan. In addition, to increase the participation of the special team in strategic tasks, each player participates in at least one central level strategic project and obtains the opportunity and platform of exercise, so that the company’s evaluation mechanism can quickly identify everyone's growth and contribution, so that the company's growth and contribution can be allowed to allow the growth and contribution of everyone, so that the company's growth and contribution can be allowed to allow the growth and contribution of everyone, so that the company's growth and contribution can be allowed to allow the growth and contribution of everyone, so that the company's growth and contribution can be allowed to allow the growth and contribution of everyone, so that the company's growth and contribution can be allowed to allow the growth and contribution of everyone, so that the company's growth and contribution can be allowed to allow the growth and contribution of everyone, so that the company's growth and contribution can be allowed to allow the growth and contribution of everyone. Valuable contributions are constantly emerging and growing in Kingsignal 's free and relaxed environment.


3. President Yu's message

At the end of the meeting, President Yu shared the message and expectations of young people. As Huang Dong advocated, talent is the cornerstone of the evergreen of Kingsignal. If  Kingsignal wants to be a century -old shop, he needs to cultivate generations of successors on this endless platform to create a strong and powerful and powerful team of genius.


As the company's vital army, one of the most important things for young people is to have responsibility, which means that we must be responsible to ourselves, be responsible to the company, and responsibility for the responsibilities of our positions. Another interpretation of responsibility is integrity. This is the most important part of the core values ​​that the company has always adhered to and practiced "integrity, creation, integration, and responsibility".

Give full love

The premise of paying is to fully trust. Only a team with enough trust, trust organization, and low cost of trust can we do their own jobs and make additional contributions on this basis. The work needs to be devoted all kinds of input and affection. As long as you pay hard and create value, you will eventually gain results and return.

Mutual achievement

The company and employees are a community. The development of the company relies on the efforts of employees to achieve, and the personal growth of employees is inseparable from the company's opportunities and platforms. Therefore, the best relationship between the two is mutual achievements. For employees, the real mutual achievements are not to enjoy in the comfort zone, but to fully release their own potential, make more contributions to the team and the company, and become more and more powerful. Personal achievements.


In order to think about the endless inheritance and development of a century -old shop, young people need to be vitality and inject enthusiastic fresh blood into the company, and continuously continue the blood. Young people must not have life, don't think that inherent is correct, don't keep silent and dare not speak. We must bravely put forward constructive opinions, and show their innovative ideas and passion.

Solve the problem

The key to the company's evaluation mechanism is to solve the problem. The best way to solve the problem is to create value. The company calls the hero and calls the hero who can actively solve the problem. We are eager to see the generations of young people stand up and immediately come out to stand up, and we hope that the generation of the company's development of the relay sticks will be inherited from generations of young people.For everyone who loves Kingsignal, Kingsignal is willing to give him opportunities and resources to create value to improve his ability. It is hoped that every special combat player and Management Trainee can cultivate their ability at work, gain achievements in work, create value in work, and share results in work! In the end, it gradually became the company's backbone of the century -old store, and became the successor of 10 billion Golden Nobei industry!