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How does power cable turn to prevent damage?

author:kingsignal time:2017/05/23

As the power cable diameter larger, transport, laying more difficult, the power cable on the turning radius requirements are more stringent. Here to tell you about how the power cable turns to prevent damage.


1. The performance of the damage of the power cable turns


In the construction of the power cable, if the turning angle is too large, it may damage the inside of the conductor, and the mechanical damage can not be seen by the cover of the cable insulation. Even if the measuring circuit resistance, insulation and leakage test is difficult to find defects, When the overheating in the damage to the cable insulation strength decreased until the failure.


2. Cause of damage to power cable turn


The reason why the power cable head failure is caused by the length of the three cable heads when the cable head is made. When connected with the equipment, the cable head is long and the arch is damaged due to the terrain.


3. Solve the damage to the power cable method


According to the connection of different equipment, the appropriate shortening of the length of the cable head connection, so that three-phase cable head are not external force, proved to run well. It can be seen, the cable construction process, as far as possible to reduce the cable by the torque in the cable turn and leave the cable, so that the cable in the natural bending, to prevent internal mechanical damage.


The above is a brief introduction to the power cable to prevent damage, learn more about the power cable content, please pay attention to kingsignal official website.

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