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Cable and optical cable

author:kingsignal time:2017/07/03

1. cable


It is generally believed that the cable is made of one or more insulated conductor insulation and protective layer, the transmission of electricity or information from one place to another. Broadly refers to the metal as a medium to transmit electrical signals device.


By definition, the cable is used to conduct electricity. Generally made of the following metals:


(1) copper.


Conductive second only to silver, thermal conductivity after gold, silver; corrosion resistance, non-magnetic, plastic good, easy to weld, widely used. Copper alloy mainly to improve the wear resistance of copper, corrosion resistance and mechanical and physical properties.


(2) silver


Metal conductivity and thermal conductivity of the highest, with good corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, easy welding; mainly used for coating and cladding layer;


(3) gold and nickel


Used as high temperature line.


(4) iron


Often as a composite conductor of reinforced materials, such as steel core aluminum line, copper clad steel, aluminum clad steel wire.


(5) zinc


Used as a steel / steel / iron conductor coating, used to prevent corrosion.


(6) tin


Used as a wire / copper wire coating, used to prevent corrosion, and is conducive to copper wire welding.


2.optical cable


Optical cable, which is a fiber made of glass or plastic, can be used as a light transmission tool. The transmission principle is 'the total reflection of light'.


Most optical cables must be covered by several layers of protective structure before use, and the coated cable is called a cable. Optical cable The outer protective layer and insulation layer protects the surrounding environment from damage to the optical cable, such as water, fire, electric shock, and so on. Cable is divided into: cable, aramid fiber, buffer layer and optical cable. Optical cable and coaxial cable similar, but no mesh shield. The center is the glass core of light transmission.


The above is a brief introduction to the optical cable and cable, learn more about the contents of the optical cable, please pay attention to kingsignal official website.

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